Moving the Feminine into the New Sensual~Sexual Story

Now that we’ve fully entered this New Age of Aquarius, it’s time to reclaim our Divine Feminine power as she’s been hiding in the Underworld far too long.

By Anyaa McAndrew & Sahara Exodus

There appears to be a variety of ways that we are living our lives in 2013. I received a newsletter from a spiritual teacher a few weeks ago that really spelled it out for me. Some of us are busily living the old story, some of us are busy finishing up writing the old story, some are in the Sacred Pause, some of us have begun to catch & ride the Co-Creative Wave, and some of us are actually writing the New Story.

When it comes to women and our body images, our sensuality, our ability & willingness  to receive pleasure in our bodies, and our sexuality, the New Story is directly connected to the Divine Feminine within us. If we can relate to the Great Mother, to Gaia, the Goddess in any way, shape or form, we may have a better chance at getting to the New Story. The old stories are really old, ancient in fact. We have been victims of violence, war, poverty and discrimination for 5,000 years. The V-day “One Billion Rising” to mitigate violence against women and girls that happened worldwide on February 14th, 2013 was probably the largest event of its kind ever. Continue reading “Moving the Feminine into the New Sensual~Sexual Story”

Moving the Feminine into the New Story by Anyaa

Happy New Year, everyone! I took 22 days off this early winter, from 12-21 through January 2nd, 2013. I meditated and slept and wandered around my house, experimenting with new recipes and did whatever felt right in the moment. Now I am back to my Sacred Work and assessing all that has taken place for me, and Gaia, and humanity.

We made it through the Shift, and what I am noticing is a core of joy, and a deeper resonating resolve inside me to move into these next years with grace, ease and a true desire to be here. That was not the case for me early last year. I was feeling tired, complete, and a strong sense that I had done all I could do, served as best I could, and I was wanting to be complete with 3-D reality!  I have spent a lifetime working with the feminine wound: that deep place of self-loathing, self-depreciation, low self-esteem, poor body-image, difficulty receiving, co-dependance, emotional chaos, persecution, rescuing and victimization along with an array of symptoms that we have carried as women for the last 5,000 years. Continue reading “Moving the Feminine into the New Story by Anyaa”

Shifting with the Perennial Principles: Truth, Beauty and Goodness by Anyaa T. McAndrew

My husband Gary & I were talking about what kind of winter we want to experience, and then we pulled the card Abundance, 3 of cups. We discussed how that meant to us that we were to practice more appreciation and express our love to each other more often. Goodness, Goddess, Love, Light….are all the same thing to me. I need Goodness to have a reason to live. They are a basic requirement to move through a winter where Gaia is birthing and the world as we have known it is shattering. 

I watched a short video tonite featuring an amazing song called “Creation Calls” and footage from the Planet Earth: Complete BBC Series. It was some of the most beautiful mother nature probably ever photographed. Beauty. How can we live without it and stay sane? I have never purchased a song from a Christian singers’ album, but I downloaded that beautifully arranged piece. The song calls me to honor heaven and earth and the intense human journey we are walking between them right now. Check it out at 

Gary & I are hosting Conscious Transition community meetings in our Full Moon Sanctuary here in the mountains. We come together every few weeks or so and talk about how we are feeling, what we are doing to prepare, and what we believe about this Great Turning that we are in. That’s Truth. We seem to need to speak it aloud and express ourselves to feel connected. I noticed something really wonderful happening at our last meeting. The more we moved around the circle and the more personal truth was spoken, the more we all affirmed it in each other and spoke more of it. By the time we ended the meeting, everyone was filled with joy and enthusiasm.

Truth, Beauty and Goodness (Light, Love) seem to engender each other these days, They are bringing people together in ways that has perhaps never happened before, at least on this scale. If you cruise the internet, if you read your emails, if you talk to your people, you will find it, that is, if you are willing to move through your fears and see what is really happening on all levels.

On a physical level, we are hearing about the immanent collapse of the world monetary system, the violence, the people rising up and saying NO, the patriarchy striking back but still being challenged and exposed, the inept governments and silly politics. It’s trufascinating to witness the chaos and how it is all unraveling. On the other side the amazing inventions, ideas and potentials are staggering. I heard an interview last week with Benjamin Fulford and he encouraged us to take faith that the darkness this planet has seen for so long is indeed changing. Soon we may be able to actually invent and create the designs that have been suppressed for so long by the power elite. These days I am not even bothering to capitalize that term power elite as I have in the past. They are an outgoing ruling party all over the world.

Emotionally, the collective is breaking down and many are breaking through. Many of those I talk with express a very strong knowing that now is the time to work through our past and let it go. As my priestess sister Grandmother Ruth Anne says “We don’t need it anymore! I exist right here and right now”. As we complete a 16.4 billion year time wave, the past is in the way of our next step. So, many of us are participating in all kinds of processing work including Shamanic BreathworkTM, couple’s work, forgiveness work, recovery work, whatever works to gets us through the places where there is emotional stick-um. We really can get to a place where we feel good in our own skin, and in some kind of balance with enough truth, enough beauty and enough goodness.

Spiritually, the teachers and healers and celestial sourcers are giving us a mixed bag, but the same essential message. This is humanity’s butterfly moment! This is the time we have been waiting for and we are the Ones.  It is time to become multi-dimensional, loving, spirit-centered without letting religion get in the way, and with an Indigenous Spirit… trusting, open, wise, surrendered and  in love with the Earth. There are many messages about the civilizations here with us, assisting us behind the scenes and those of us who feel connected to the stars being called forward to help. If you are spiritually connected to what is happening, it seems that you are not only happily along for the ride, but ready to assist Mother Earth in her labor. As I am, you may be in awe of what is unfolding before our very eyes, because it is us!

This is the ride of our lives, of lifetimes, and we can choose to go through it kicking and screaming or with grace. It may not be easy at times, but if we can say yes to it, and feel gratitude and appreciation for the learnings, the many, many souls that are riding with us and those unseen realms that are assisting, we can be sure to be in the right place at the right time having just the right experience for our own leap in consciousness.

I myself am choosing to go through it with plenty of Truth; my eyes wide open in bearing witness to the suffering so that those who are suffering do not feel abandoned but blessed. I choose to help put an end to any suffering that I can influence, even if I simply imagine standing and watching on the inner planes. At the same time I choose to invest my witnessing in creating the new world, the promised birth into a new higher consciousness and thousands of years of peace, finally!

I have to have Beauty, too. To feel my own beauty, and the sensual beauty of nature and my four animals who along with the mountains, keep me connected to nature, is part of a daily experience that I ask for the Grace to never have to live without. I love really good healthy food, preparing it and enjoying it with my Beloved, my friends and my soul families. I cherish art and good music and lovemaking. A winter filled with friends and enjoyment of all kinds will deeply fulfill me.

And Goodness, Goddess, Love, Light  is the magnet that draws me forward in this transition. I get to learn how to vibrate faster, to open more fully to the celestial realms, to download more light and to express more love. When I slow down long enough I can feel the quickening, the intense energy that is coming through our atmosphere in the form of solar storms and comets and those energies I don’t have terms for. I feel and hear and see the Unity Consciousness that is taking root as hearts open, as my heart opens and we all collectively heal.

The leaves are turning in our Western North Carolina Mountains, and the view from my window affords me a daily panorama of Beauty. The Truth is that I can only live now and watch it unfold as I stay present with What Is. No one really knows what the future holds for any of us or for Earth. Great Mystery is in her finest hour. The Goodness calls me to seek the Light & Love of the Unseen Worlds and let it in.

May your Autumn be blessed with Truth, Beauty and Love.

Claiming Your Shamanic Priestess Self

I recieved this today, and it is so precious, I had to add it to my blog site!

You might think I’d say… “This course is awesome, you should take it!”… That’s totally an understatement! This is truly a ‘PROCESS’ of transmutation, which has totally amp-ed up my self-esteem and self-worth big time! It has birthed a new level confidence. Anyaa and her amazing Apprentices Kristina & Zanzara, reflected to me, who I truly am (each one has their own special gifts… just like other leaders & apprentices of the SPP). They acknowledged my power, love, and truest essence, right to their core. That kind of reflection, made me feel nurtured in the most comforting way one can possibly imagine.

Yes…they pushed my buttons, but in a good way. They lovingly reflected what I needed to learn most, and what I need to let go of, etc. They also acknowledged what gifts I offered them, that they found valuable. So there was a sense of equality as Sisters, rather then a hierarchy.

This is a beautiful experience for all ages of women. We all just honour each other, as adoptive-spiritual Sisters. We’re like long-lost Priestesses that have finally found each other again, that hold sacred not only the upper chakras, but also the lower chakras. We honour the teachings of our light-side, but also honour the teachings of our shadow-side.

The initiations I hold most precious. They are spiritual acts in the moment that always bring out the Divine. I understand old ancient pagan rituals now, as the SPP has taken it more into an up-to-date version of ceremony. This totally resonated for me, in that we had a basic template, but each used our own imagination about how the exercise related to ourselves. It was so much fun, and truly transformational! This is more of a modern creative way of “Shamanic Journeying”. It’s not strange, but actually really fantastic!

I must say that I can’t believe how much ‘living ceremony’ meant so much to me during this ‘process’! I always thought ritual was weird. Now I see that there is some form of ‘magical alchemy’ that creates transformation. I think taking a sensitive topic, and then mixing it with creativity, fun, and theatre, makes a sacred space for metamorphosis to occur.

There were many highlights. I really enjoyed all the prep-work for each event. Each time I went, it felt like going somewhere really magical (ie: like the ‘Mists of Avalon’!)… our retreat centre was actually on an island with real mists!

Each event I wanted to look my best, share my best homework attempts, and bring the right ceremonial supplies, including the joy of finding accessories to accentuate my Goddess/Priestess makeshift outfits… so I got to be a Princess for the day, several times throughout the process… thank-you very much! The little girl in me that still loves Disneyland, also still believes in… fairies, unicorns, magic, Gods & Goddesses… which was a wild fantasy come true!

The SPP creates a sacred space with lots of fun activities (ie: dancing, meditation, tarot cards, sacred talking circle, feasts, writing assignments, creative projects, etc), that’s accentuated with the most beautiful modern Goddess music! It’s also incredibly feminine and loving, as it feels like being tucked away in a ‘receiving blanket’, being re-birthed as a true Priestess to myself, and to the world… however I choose to express that gift the process gave me. There’s no dogma, so my own spiritual belief viewpoints are totally honoured, just like everyone else’s. It’s also an excellent opportunity to become an ‘Ordained Minister’, if you choose (an additional exciting option… which I took!
… now I can minister weddings, funerals & births!).

The Shamanic Priestess Process ‘naturally’ instigated a ‘mid-life’ crisis that I’m presently in. I wouldn’t have done it, agreed to it, or have moved through so much in one-year, had it not been for the amazing leadership, and wonderful circle of sacred women.  Since the official process has been over, the transformation seems to have amplified pending changes (…I’m still in the process ~ which is more then wonderful J ).

I need to let go of the old that no longer is serving my life, in order for my new dreams and goals to manifest and come in. The SPP helped give me the nurturing love and care, to make all of that possible… which I’m truly grateful for… more then words can possibly express!!! Even leaders can benefit greatly from the program.

Now I have a wonderful group of Sisters not only in my circle, but previous ones (and future ones), as well as a larger network on an international level. There are many Priestesses, as our sacred circle is growing! This kind of continued support after the course is over, is such a joy to be part of, to allow further growth on my journey, creating a sacred space for my higher-self to manifest into my life as a reality, rather then a dream… in more deeper, and subtle ways.

This process makes your dreams a reality. Because of this, all of the commitments involved are totally worth it! I dare you to feel that worthy, to treat yourself with that much respect and care, to get all of the nurturing support, with TLC and a little tough love that you need; to make that shift in your life, so you can truly soar!

I dare you to allow yourself to be that great! This process has the most amazing support system and tool set, to fully claim your true-self, as a Shamanic Priestess to the world!

Love & blessings,
Priestess Sahara

Reflections on The Great Shift in Women

(at the New Moon Solar Eclipse window 1-13-10), by Anyaa T. McAndrew

I’ve been immersed lately in the predictions for 2012, including documentary films, astrological predictions, and channelings.

I also recently I had the pleasure of a week with my Beloved in Tulum, Mexico, where the Mayans left their legacy of the great settlements and their prophetic calendar. It’s clear that we are already well into what my astrology teacher Daniel Giamario has coined The Turning of the Ages. Our reality has accelerated to warp speed vibration while systems and structures are literally collapsing all around us. This morning I heard the news of the Haiti earthquake and fears that as many as 500,000 may have lost their lives. My partner Gary and I have been working with the mortgage banking system for the past 9 months to get a permanent mortgage on the round house we built as our forever home. One thing after another has happened including lost paperwork, lenders closing, and misunderstandings about the value of our home because of its’ unconventional roundness. We have sent out our own prayers, asked for prayers from friends and community, and are now in a surrender mode because there is nothing left to do. We cannot trust anyone or anything but Spirit, and we know we will be taken care of no matter what!

The message to set intention, take action (which means do whatever you can do) and then let go is a huge one for all of us. This upcoming New Moon in Capricorn (tomorrow Thursday Jan 14th at 11:11 pm PST) is also the first new moon of the year and a solar eclipse. Solar eclipses mark the beginning and ending point of the past and the future. In Vedic astrology, it is the Vedic Winter Solstice and in India it is referred to as “Pongal”.  Spiritually this is the time to overhaul your current self and get ready for a higher self. This festival celebrates leaving behind the old way of doing things, be it relationship, money matters or health habits. This timing is potent for working with the energies of the Great Shift. If you have not set intention yet for the year, here is a ritual you can use that comes from Barbara Hand Clow’s channeling of the Moon in her book The Pleiadian Agenda:

  1. Write down 7 things you want to bring into your reality. Think Conscious Abundance, calling in what your soul needs to live out your purpose and give your gifts, rather than what your ego wants to get to feel safe and comfortable.
  2. Describe each one as specifically as you can.
  3. Now work with each one and visualize 3 different scenarios of it coming to you.
  4. In your visualization, leave out specific people as the source, as this can manipulate another’s reality.
  5. Tap those scenarios into your medulla oblongata, the chakra at the back of your neck at the top of your spine…tap into that point a magical number of times…you chose!
  6. Now put it all away on your altar and check your list every once in awhile to see what has manifested from your list….cross off and add others (to make 7) once you have manifested something!

Yesterday I received a call from a priestess who said her whole life is falling apart from the inside out. My dear friend Star Wolf is ready to launch a huge book tour to promote her book that urges us to wake up in these Shamanic Times and do the work we need to do to get as conscious as we can in the time we have left, however long that is ( Another friend is trusting that although she has no income, she is in the right place at the right time while she channels a book already accepted by a wonderful publisher. I have a small circle of priestesses who are struggling and resisting as they face their time of dying to the old and Emerging as priestesses.  In Cincinnati, 19 women (a lunar cycle number) are signed up for this coming weekend to explore with me the Shamanic Priestess Archetype and Women’s Mysteries. I feel the potency and the power all around me! As I connect every day with my own multi-dimensional selves, I ask to be taken to the next level, whatever that is! My final decree is always: I am willing, I am willing, I am willing, meaning I will use my will to fully participate in this next level, however it looks.

One of the questions I have been reflecting upon is What does it mean to be a priestess NOW? I have answered that question in the past in various ways, yet I find the answer starting to shift with the SHIFT! I realize now that it is no longer sufficient to be the priestess who is the conduit for bringing the Divine Feminine to Earth. It is now time to be the Goddess in all her glory and diversity and radiance. We can no longer assume the position of human woman humbly opening to the Goddess. WE ARE HER, she is HERE, and THERE IS NO MORE WAITING! As it is declared, We are the Ones we have been waiting for. What this means is that each and every woman who chooses to walk the priestess path is now ready to take her place on the wheel of the Great Goddess energy of these auspicious times, to assume her rightful personal and spiritual power in her own way in her own unique world. The diversity of the

Divine Feminine is wide, expansive and colorful. There is no doubt in my mind that every woman who walks in her life and acknowledges the sacred in everyday life has a place as a goddess. It’s now time for each of us to claim it and BE it. One of the ways to BE it, is to align with all of our selves in all dimensions and to realize that the collective of these selves is more than 3-dimensional.

Our planet is moving quickly into a great expansion of dimensions, some say 9-dimensions. We will be wise to acknowledge that our little 3-dimensional selves cannot hold it all!

Another insight I had is that in order to claim this collective multi-dimensional Goddess Self fully, we as women are going to need to step up our personal self-care to the next level. There is no way we can stand in the intensity of vibration that is around and within us if we are not in our bodies fully receiving. Our 3-dimensional physical self is the conscious zone from which we operate, acknowledge and access all the other levels. I have been working with my own self-care issues since I abruptly entered menopause after a uterine hysterectomy 3 years ago. I noticed I did not have the energy to care for myself in the same way as I continued at the same frantic pace of work life and travel. I eventually crashed, and am slowly climbing out of a deep dark hole of fatigue and overwhelm. I am now feeling a renewal of aliveness that has been the result of lots of good boundaries, quiet time, research and new applications of information tailored for a rejuvenating, more centered way of life as a seasoned woman of consciousness.

I am also realizing that I can no longer whine, complain, or play the blame game in my life if I am claiming my multi-dimensional Goddess Self.  I must take responsibility (finally!) for everything I create, and do it in style, with a smile! We no longer have the time or self-indulgent luxury to play the game of blaming each other, gossiping, walking away from commitments because we are afraid, or being intolerant of another person’s perspective on reality. It’s time to clean up our messes, apologize when appropriate, make amends to those we have offended, and finish what we have started so we can move on in expanded consciousness. It’s a time when if we don’t do what we say and say what we will do, and follow through, our lessons come to us many times harder the next time around.

I have found in my own life that I can be critical of the man in my life, and I have recently come to a crossroads with that behavior, understanding that I have an obligation to be loving and kind all the time, not just when I feel like it!

The Initiated Woman is one who walks her talk, has a strong inner masculine who is grounded and accountable and on purpose, and a feminine who is open, loving and radiant.  She is not afraid of looking at her own shadow or claiming her gifts to the world.  She knows she needs sisters to walk with her, and she relies on her sisters to call her out, to gently tell her their truth when necessary,

love her through the inevitable times of pain, struggle and loss. As the Goddess, She honors and speaks her gratitude to all Her blessings, to all living things as we all go through the birth canal of the Great Shift of the Ages together.

Blessed Be and So It Is…….

