Priestessing During Gaia’s Dark Night Before the Dawn

Anyaa McAndrew, MA, LPC, NCC, Ordained Priestess

What an amazing time to be alive! What is occurring on the planet these days is moving us at lightening speed. Can you feel it? Depending upon who you talk to, listen to, and read, you may feel depression, anguish, grief, anger, hope, inspiration, and upliftment all in the same day, or even in the same hour! Are we all becoming bi-polar, or is something else happening?  We are collectively finding ourselves faced with some of the most difficult situations, circumstances, challenges and patterns, depending upon what it is we need to move us into a place of surrender. For me personally, some days life is magical and grace-filled, and some are filled with complete disillusionment and frustration.

Would it make a difference if you knew that every day you are living the equivalent of 274 days? That every month you are living the equivalent of 8,000 years? The Pleiadians, keepers of the 5th Dimension, and through teachers like Barbara Marciniak and Barbara Hand Clow, tell us we are now moving at a frequency of 100,000 years per year! We are clearly at the Great Shift, the Turning of the Ages, the Collapse, the Planetary Dark Night of the Soul, the end of Patriarchy and the Mayan Calendar, and the end of time as we know it. We are also in a process of Ascension, moving into Unity Consciousness, and birthing a New Earth. That is a lot to hold spiritually, as tiny 3-D beings.  We are asked to do just that, to hold this vast terrain of consciousness within our consciousness, to hold the tension of the opposites, so that we can come all the way through these times into a new world on the other side. The more beings that have eyes to see, and ears to hear what is happening, the closer we get to the Tipping Point that gives us the momentum we need for the ride through to the other side. And what a ride it is!


Graphic by Prescott Hill

Sometimes I imagine that I am in a room filled with clocks and calendars. There are sundials, and grandfather clocks and pyramid calendars, alarms, timers, astrological wheels, and dates of all kinds floating around in this room. All of the clocks are going off at the same time and the calendars are all marked with intersecting dates and timings. The sense I get in this imaginary room is that I am here for a reason, a really important reason, and I am a part of this Great Timing. I have a part to play, and so do many others who are here with me or come and go from this place as I do.  I and We, are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For, but not quite as simply as it sounds. The We is bigger than our egos, or even our soul’s plan. Our bigger multi-dimensional Selves are here with us and they have all signed up together for this Divine Appointment. What a party!

If Gaia is birthing into a new dimension, then I am going with her. Unity Consciousness implies that we are all in this together, aren’t we? Another way I imagine these times is that we are traversing a very narrow passageway as a Planetary Being, like going through the black hole that so many talk about at the center of our galaxy, the place where the Winter Solstice Sun has been rising for the past several years. In order to move through such a dangerous passageway, we must deconstruct, purify, dissolve, surrender and totally trust the Great Spirit. I imagine it getting very dark in some of our lives and on the planet as we move through this collective Dark Night of the Soul. On the other side is the Great Unknowable Mystery of a New Time on Planet Earth.

The Truth is, none of us knows what the future holds. Those who say they do, are just projecting one of many possible scenarios that are reflected back to us: good guesses and calculated scientific possibilities all the way to ancient prophecies and present channelings. Will we experience more earth changes, solar flares, a polar shift, 3 days of darkness, ETs walking among us, or Mother Earth continuing to give us really clear messages that she will no longer tolerate the rape of her land and the destruction of her species? As a woman of consciousness, perhaps a woman who carries the priestess vibration, what do you intuit about these times? Do you know that you are here for a good reason? Your life purpose has called you here. You have a front row seat in this theatre of Great Change. You have a place on the wheel of time as it ends, and then we start anew.

The calling to the Feminine is very loud these days. One of my favorite teachers, Lucia Rene, says that the Patriarchy has already been unplugged and now is the time for women to stop running away from what scares us. It is the time for us to step into our personal power, and our spiritual authority. Lucia calls this the Solar Feminine, the One who will step into leadership through feminine values like Economies of Care, Networks of Grace, and Communities of Compassion.

The Shamanic Priestess is one who understands that to die and be reborn many times in one lifetime is the hallmark of these times. She is a being who has walked on the edge and lived to tell about it. She is learning to confront her fears, to move her past through her, to a place of peaceful resolution, and to help others do the same. She knows the value of priestessing others. She sees and feels the pain and suffering in the world, and practices transmuting and blessing as much as she can, so that all of life on earth can shift. And she is the woman who knows she is Sacred and that everything she sees and everything she does can be Sacred. Making Sacred is also to bless, to sanctify, to honor, and give thanks for all the life forms that are leaving us, including many of those close to us, including people, animals, land masses, the great oceans, the rainforests and plant life, and all the old patterns that no longer serve us. The Sacred Woman has done this through the ages. She understands that these times call for ritual and ceremony because we are going through the biggest Rite of Passage this planet has ever known!

The Shamanic Priestess is also learning to be a midwife to what wants to come into life. She downloads the light, radiates compassion and love, and tells the truth, to shine on what we all really want to co-create. She learns to draw on the ancient wisdom in her DNA, in her bones, in her lineage as a sacred woman from the past, to inspire and enliven the new visions. Some call these codes of light that are now being activated by the intense astronomical activity happening on our planet. I feel it as subtle knowings that I am shifting my perceptions and things that used to be important to me are falling away. Time is speeding up and my consciousness seems to amp up, and I want to slow way down. I want to savor every moment and live in the NOW, not the future or the past. The teacher of my lineage Nicole Christine used to say “The Hopis tell us that when the world speeds up, slow down.”

We are slowing down so that we can really feel all the ways we exist in every dimension, every space and time, to merge in this time, the end of time, into a new way of being.

This article is written to be a call to the Shamanic Priestess, because her time is NOW.

If you have an inner priestess that wants to come forth into the world of the Shift, now is the time. If you already claim yourself as priestess, then you know the value of holding the field for others, because others already come to you for counsel. You are not afraid of your power and you feel it is part of your Sacred Work to serve in these times. You are in good company with thousands of other women on the planet who are waking up to the Priestess Within.


On Sleep, Darkness, and Slowing Down…

From the WInter Solstice Newsletter of Red Moon Herbs by Corinna WoodCorinna Wood, Director, Red Moon Herbs & Southeast Wise Women

 Our lives are so full of activities and stimulation of all kinds. It can be hard to focus on the healing and rest we need; yet nothing contributes to health more than nourishing food and SLEEP. I’ve heard it said that 90% of our healing happens during sleep. This is also the place of the dreamtime, where we renew our spirits and create new visions for the future.

Winter Solstice is a time of long nights – deep, dark, and rich for healing. Millennia of our ancestors would be in darkness for 14 hours a night or more. Here are some suggestions for self care during this time:

Excel at the Art of Sleep – Try darkening your bedroom to coincide with the long nights and see how often you can let yourself get 8, 10, or more hours of sleep during this time. You may be surprised how much your body will take if you let it sleep as much as it wants and how restored you will feel as a result.

Reduce Light – Try burning candles at night instead of using electric lights. At the beginning of each winter season, I buy an big box of beeswax candles to burn during dinner and before bed. Beeswax produces negative ions, as do waterfalls and falling rain, which help to relax us. Go a little further, if you’re adventurous, and try nights without computers, videos, or other light producing machines, as it will give your system a break.

Rosemary sprigsTake Baths – Nourish and renew yourself by stepping into a hot steamy bath on a cold winter night! This is one of my favorite healing rituals. Many cultures would never consider a bath without herbs steeping. Put some fresh potherbs directly in the bath – anything like rosemary, thyme, or lavender that might be growing on your windowsill or still alive outside your front door. You can also add dried herbs by putting them in a clean sock and letting them soak in the water. An herbal infusion if you will.

 Retreat – If there’s any way during the holiday busy-ness to create some alone time for reflection and contemplation, take it. Quiet time counteracts the over stimulation of our lives. This has become an annual ritual for me, usually between Christmas and New Year’s. I look forward to this time both to catch up on less vital tasks that have slipped off the radar all year as well as to connect with myself more deeply.

 Contact Information

Red Moon Herbs
SE Wise Women



Feminine Energy in Shining Light on Shadow

My Priestess Sister, Rebecca Noel, sent me this recently, and it is a very important message for sacred women:

This series was truly illuminating and very eloquently covered the issues I’ve been grappling with recently of where exactly is the line between focusing energy on what you don’t want and looking at what’s happening in the world at the moment…..what is the line between educating oneself about some of the darker shadow things happening and giving power to it by focusing on it….Where is the line?

This series exquisitely details how information is neither good nor bad it’s the fear we attach to the information that keeps us from taking action to make change for the better and why the feminine energy doesn’t want to explore any of the negative stuff going on in the world and instead looks to men to be our savior but why our energy is needed the most at this time….I highly recommend watching/listening to this… especially all women.

New Archetypes for the New Masculine – by Gary Stamper

It’s a bountiful universe in here. I’ve been thinking about traditional Jungian archetypes and how – and if – they fit in with the concept of the New Masculine, and suddenly, Matthew Fox’s book, The Hidden Spirituality of Men, shows up.

In it, Fox explores ten archetypes, or metaphors, that he believes speak to a revival of the healthy masculine, “indeed, the Sacred Masculine.”

“The authors of the classic work Green man point out that for Jung, ‘an archetype will appear in new form to redress imbalances in society at a particular time when it is needed. According to this theory, therefore, the Green Man is rising up into our present awareness in order to counterbalance a lack in our attitude to Nature.’

Each of the ten archetypes in Fox’s book is arising for the same reasons – to redress imbalances in our culture and in our very souls. For the latter flows from the former.

It’s not that the former archetypes – especially the King and the Warrior – are no longer applicable, but that they, too, are evolving as we evolve.

In my workshop, T, we’re going to be “killing off” the patriarchal properties of these former archetypes so the new archetypes can arise and take their place in a more evolved consciousness. For instance, the Green Man has a fierceness and a determination that parallels the Warrior, and suddenly the Warrior becomes the Spiritual Warrior that stands alongside the Green Man. Without saying so, it appears to me that the King archetype, a model of patriarchy, however soft and benevolent, is replaced by the Blue Man, or Father Sky, who models compassion and creativity, “cunning as snakes and wise as doves.”he integral Warrior: Embodying the New Masculine

“The green man demands that men stand up. That men become men. Men have been stuck in a daze brought on by modern philosophy, consumerism, and a pseudo-masculine media-promoted identity. The green man calls us to stand for the love of the Earth and the health of future generations. Stand for the trees and the animals that are being destroyed and with them the sustainability of our own species. Stand for community and compassion rather than individual power and domination. Stand for the children and generations to come.”

Joseph Gelfer, in his book “Numen, Oldmen: Contemporary Masculine Spiritualities and the Problem of Patriarchy,” (reviewed here) is absolutely correct in his assessment of patriarchal stances in the evangelical, mythopoetical, and even the Integral approach to men’s spirituality.

Fox’s book helps the neo-men’s movement (my term) take a fresh look at archetypes without the hard and soft patriarchies of the earlier movement.

For me, this is a major component of the New Masculine. This is where I want to go, and I’m going to take as many men with me as I can!


An invocation to men from Nicole Christine, creatrix of the Priestess Process (TM)

The Call of Osirus: Adapted from Earth God Rising by Alan Richardson

YOU ARE THE POWER OF CHANGE (a channeling of Archangel Michael)

Most Beautiful, Beloved Masters.
As your year comes to an end and new cycles begin, we would like you to spend time in gratitude for all that bless you.
Most have gone thru trials and tribulation this past year. We hold compassion for all you endure. With your intent, we ask you to release that which no longer serves you. We ask you to look forward to a future that will make you happy, fulfilled and to serve in a fun, abundant and beautiful way.
You hold beliefs structures that it is hard work to be on the Earth and there is scarcity and that you are powerless. We tell you it is a grand illusion. Your thoughts and emotions can bring you all you desire and seek.
Most of you do not have clear focus on your desires and dreams. So much of your life is created by default. Worry, feelings of being lesser than and not fully appreciating all that is good in your life is creating by default.  With slight shifts of thoughts and feelings, all can be erased and a new brighter future will await you.
It is up to you. You have been taught that you have no power. The greatest illusion there is. You, beloved Masters are some of the most powerful creatures that have ever existed. Just by thinking a thought and feeling how that would be- you create.
You create all that surrounds you- what you perceive as good and bad. We ask you to examine some that you perceive as bad. Re-value that which has been set up by you to learn and use as tools of compassion. For with out some of your experiences you would not be as understanding to others in the same situation.
Continue reading “YOU ARE THE POWER OF CHANGE (a channeling of Archangel Michael)”