When we know about the sacred timings, and choose to participate in them, we have the capacity to influence the outcome of things. Events are not pre-determined. Consciousness is what the Universe is made of, so as we add our own conscious intent to the great forces at play, there is the possibility that we just might help move events along in a direction that we want them to go. In this case, our direction and intent on our trip to Scotland was to re-connect land and sky, soul and spirit, masculine and feminine as it once was in pre-patriarchal, pre-Celtic, Neolithic times. Continue reading “Callanish, the Sacred Feminine and the New Earth: On the Grand Cross of 2014 by Anyaa McAndrew”
Category: General Spirituality
Missing in Action for 5,000 years, Great Mother Found Alive by ALisa Starkweather
reprinted from: http://theinterfaithobserver.org/process/CreateJournalEntryComment?moduleId=11005111&entryId=34685825&finalize=true
Community art piece at Gaia Healing Center, Frederick, MDYeah.
Becoming Fully Conscious of Her Presence
Astonishing and it’s absolutely true. I found her in me of all places. Once you spot her she shows up everywhere, hidden in plain sight. She says that she was never gone, never, never, not for one nano-second. I look at her with my eyebrows raised and a little hurt because she was certainly no where in sight when I was growing up. I didn’t even know she existed. I didn’t know even one of her names, let alone her thousands.
In fact, I didn’t even know to look for her. And here is the real kicker. Because of that, I could not comprehend just how much I was missing her or how to recognize my own female reflection in divinity. Essentially I was Divine Mother blind. Seeing my old abandonment stories cropping up, she gives me that mischievous wild glint in her eyes and refutes the idea that she was MIA in one word – “Impossible.” We both laugh.
Great Mother loves to laugh. It helps her balance out her terrible awful grief. And I mean terrible, but I won’t get into that too much. She exists in everything, not just that old Earth Mother title alone. I’m talking the big, the small, the whole enchilada. Every electron, every mountain, every star, every river, every piece of anything and even what we deem as nothing, too. Scientists cannot find the beginning nor the end of her great mysteries. But more than that, she is intricately woven in every story of our lives and of our deaths, in the heartbeat of our love and aliveness and each and every heartbreaking loss, every devastation in war, every famine and every time our tears run hot with hate or of pure grace when forgiveness comes like dawn after a night you never thought would end.
You know her. Yes you do. She Mothered you too. This is what gives her not one story in humanity but more than can be ever counted and way more than a hundred thousand names. You see, she is complex and some of that comes from not understanding our relationship to her, because of one small problem. It comes down to a little pronoun: “she.” Sure “she” is all right for a girl, for a woman, a sister, a mother, even an animal. I’ve even heard people refer to inanimate objects like their truck or their boat as “she.”
Take Siri, the iphone operator, for instance, because Siri gets to be a “computer she,” with no rebuttal that she’s nonexistent. But she as in She, God? Come on now. Some people believe that alone is blasphemy, heresy, and well, her thinking a little too much of herself. Their one word response? Same word actually: “Impossible.” But they don’t have that same playful glint. More defensiveness and a wall up around that idea that is longer than the Great Wall of China.
It’s okay. Really. Beliefs are sacred. People get to keep beliefs, especially those handed down for a long time in one’s family traditions, as an anchor to one’s personal reality and value systems. It is our spiritual artistry – being able to bring to the canvas of our lives what we discover in our hearts as true. Spiritual beliefs are deeply rooted and often engrained. If we were talking about politics, you might agree with me that there are differences among us in how we position ourselves that don’t always make us wrong in the absolute sense. But Divine Feminine? “She” might literally be too hard to conceive of for some, though quite honestly she is more ancient than anything we can reference, and in and out of every living matter recognizable. Conceiving, conception, creation are some of her many miracles proving her existence in what births, blooms, and dies and is reborn over and over again.
In one of the many versions of the Holy Bible, God is also referenced as El Shaddai, the Many Breasted One. El Shaddai is translated most often as God Almighty. Shaddai interestingly enough also means Destroyer, Fertility, Sustainer. Destroyer is some of where her fierce nature lives because, as I eluded, she is complicated and multi-faceted. In early Hebrew writings God had a wife too, Asherah (one of her annunciations), meaning “One of the Womb” or Queen of Heaven. But this Ugartic fertility goddess after thousands of years of being worshipped was taken out of the story. A huge retelling occurred in the progression of many of our world’s major religions, leaving the Goddess as an aspect of God Himself MIA. To be clear, people in many other faiths, traditions, and cultures know her intimately, and her presence is even worshipped. But for others she was erased, first in holy texts, next in our minds, but I believe never in our hearts.
How I eventually became fully conscious of her presence personally is unforgettable to me.
Shame, grief, and betrayal were powerfully moving me off an emotional cliff of depression at the age of 23, in what we often describe as a dark night of the soul. Though my artistic abilities are far from decipherable, in a moment of quiet desperation I gathered a black and red felt tip pen and a yellow highlighter and began to scribble on a blank page images that would unlock the Great Mother from the prisons of my psyche. I needed her. I needed to remember that I was good, whole, worthy, and most of all loved.
Yet as I was drawing I did not know that I was looking for her. Instead I drew a woman on her knees with her arms stretched above imploringly, prayerfully, beseeching grace. Above her in the upper left corner was a Magnificent Radiant Sun. The sun had a masculine stern face, and each line that I drew for him accentuated his gaze of anger, displeasure, and judgment at this pitiful woman before him.
What took place next was the interesting part. Behind the woman on her knees, so clearly symbolizing me, a figure of night grew in black lines all around my lost soul. As I drew each black line I wept louder with wails too long withheld. The strands became the long black hair of darkness, became a hundred hands holding me at ground level up and a feeling welled up that I was neither alone nor lost in the dark.
In the far upper right corner with my red pen engaged, a woman’s face began to emerge, and in contrast to the stern Father Sun God, her face was Loving Compassion, revealing my sorrow was also her sorrow, my loss her loss. She kept reaching out all around me, under me, above me and everywhere she could caress her daughter. My outer skin was sketched yellow like my Sky Father God, but incessantly I drew on the inside of me in this caricature, the black lines of Mother Night outlining my entire body from within.
ALisa Starkweather’s Women’s Belly and Womb Conference – Photo courtesy of Marsia Shuron Harris
Sometimes you live your whole life out seeing only what is on the outside and never discover who you really are on the inside. We hear talk of embodying the sacred feminine and what this means. In that moment I witnessed her at my back and literally woke up to the obvious. She was in me all along. This sweet recognition is better than the movie scenes when someone you thought was dead is actually alive or when the little orphan discovers after years of turmoil a loving family, or even the wild kiss of two lovers who will never be parted again. We live for these moments of reconciliation.
The power is in the lifting of the veil when something that has hurt us deeply is finally understood and our hearts heal in the holy, in the beauty, in the love within our Mother’s arms no longer out of reach. With her, we come home ourselves and realize that one tiny pronoun can radically alter whether we see Her or whether we don’t. In investigating this, we risk changing ourselves in how we view our own divinity, not only as women but as all the sons and daughters who emerge from the womb of life.
Indigenous Elders and Medicine Peoples Council Statement on Fukushima
View the original statement with signatures here (PDF): COUNCIL_FUKUSHIMA_STATEMENT_OCT_2013.
This statement reflects the wisdom of the Spiritual People of the Earth, of North and South America, working in unity to restore peace, harmony and balance for our collective future and for all living beings. This statement is written in black and white with a foreign language that is not our own and does not convey the full depth of our concerns.
The Creator created the People of the Earth into the Land at the beginning of Creation and gave us a way of life. This way of life has been passed down generation-to-generation since the beginning. We have not honored this way of life through our own actions and we must live these original instructions in order to restore universal balance and harmony. We are a part of Creation; thus, if we break the Laws of Creation, we destroy ourselves.
We, the Original Caretakers of Mother Earth, have no choice but to follow and uphold the Original Instructions, which sustains the continuity of Life. We recognize our umbilical connection to Mother Earth and understand that she is the source of life, not a resource to be exploited. We speak on behalf of all Creation today, to communicate an urgent message that man has gone too far, placing us in the state of survival. We warned that one day you would not be able to control what you have created. That day is here.
Not heeding warnings from both Nature and the People of the Earth keeps us on the path of self destruction. This self destructive path has led to the Fukushima nuclear crisis, Gulf oil spill, tar sands devastation, pipeline failures, impacts of carbon dioxide emissions and the destruction of ground water through hydraulic fracking, just to name a few. In addition, these activities and development continue to cause the deterioration and destruction of sacred places and sacred waters that are vital for Life.
Powerful technologies are out of control and are threatening the future of all life. The Fukushima nuclear crisis alone is a threat to the future of humanity. Yet, our concern goes far beyond this single threat. Our concern is with the cumulative and compounding devastation that is being wrought by the actions of human beings around the world. It is the combination of resource extraction, genetically modified organisms, moral failures, pollution, introduction of invasive species and much much more that are threatening the future of life on Earth.
The compounding of bad decisions and their corresponding actions are extremely short-sighted. They do not consider the future generations and they do not respect or honor the Creator’s Natural Law. We strongly urge for the governmental authorities to respond with an open invitation to work and consult with us to solve the world’s problems, without war. We must stop waging war against Mother Earth, and ourselves.
We acknowledge that all of these devastating actions originated in human beings who are living without regard for the Earth as the source of life. They have strayed from the Original Instructions by casting aside the Creator’s Natural Law. It is now critical for humanity to acknowledge that we have created a path to self destruction. We must restore the Original Instructions in our lives to halt this devastation.
The sanctity of the Original Instructions has been violated. As a result, the Spiritual People of the Earth were called ceremonially to come together at the home of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle. These Spiritual Leaders and those that carry great responsibility for their people from both North and South America came together with the sacred fire for four days at the end of September 2013 to fulfill their sacred responsibilities. During this time it was revealed that the spirit of destruction gained its’ strength by our spiritually disconnected actions. We are all responsible in varying degrees for calling forth this spirit of destruction, thus we are all bound to begin restoring what we have damaged by helping one another recover our sacred responsibility to the Earth. We, the Original Caretakers of Mother Earth, offer our spiritual insight, wisdom and vision to the global community to help guide the actions needed to overcome the current threats to all life.
We only have to look at our own bodies to recognize the sacred purpose of water on Mother Earth. We respect and honor our spiritual relationship with the lifeblood of Mother Earth. One does not sell or contaminate their mother’s blood. These capitalistic actions must stop and we must recover our sacred relationship with the Spirit of Water.
The People of the Earth understand that the Fukushima nuclear crisis continues to threaten the future of all life. We understand the full implications of this crisis even with the suppression of information and the filtering of truth by the corporate owned media and Nation States. We strongly urge the media, corporations and Nation States to acknowledge and convey the true facts that threaten us, so that the international community may work together to resolve this crisis, based on the foundation of Truth.
We urge the international community, government of Japan and TEPCO to unify efforts to stabilize and re-mediate the nuclear threat posed at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. To ensure that the Japanese government and TEPCO are supported with qualified personnel and information, we urge the inclusion of today’s nuclear experts from around the world to collaborate, advise and provide technical assistance to prevent further radioactive contamination or worse, a nuclear explosion that may have
apocalyptic consequences.
The foundation for peace will be strengthened by restoring the Original Instructions in ourselves.
Prophecies have been shared and sacred instructions were given. We, the People of the Earth, were instructed that the original wisdom must be shared again when imbalance and disharmony are upon Mother Earth. In 1994 the sacred white buffalo, the giver of the sacred pipe, returned to the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota people bringing forth the sacred message that the winds of change are here. Since that time many more messengers in the form of white animals have come, telling us to wake up my children. It is time. So listen for the sacred instruction.
All Life is sacred. We come into Life as sacred beings. When we abuse the sacredness of Life we affect all Creation. We urge all Nations and human beings around the world to work with us, the Original Caretakers of Mother Earth, to restore the Original Instructions and uphold the Creator’s Natural Law as a foundation for all decision making, from this point forward.
Our collective future as human beings is in our hands, we must address the Fukushima nuclear crisis and all actions that may violate the Creator’s Natural Law. We have reached the crossroads of life and the end of our existence. We will avert this potentially catastrophic nuclear disaster by coming together with good minds and prayer as a global
community of all faiths.
We are the People of the Earth united under the Creator’s Law with a sacred covenant to protect and a responsibility to extend Life for all future generations. We are expressing deep concern for our shared future and urge everyone to awaken spiritually. We must work in unity to help Mother Earth heal so that she can bring back balance and harmony for all her children.
Representatives of the Council
Chief Arvol Looking Horse
19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
Spiritual Leader
The Great Sioux Nation
Bobby C. Billie
Clan Leader and Spiritual Leader
Council of the Original Miccosukee
Simanolee Nation Aboriginal Peoples
Faith Spotted Eagle, Tunkan Inajin Win
Brave Heart Society Grandmother/Headswoman & Ihanktonwan Treaty Council
Ihanktonwan Dakota from the Oceti Sakowin
7 Council Fires
View the original councilstatement with signatures here (PDF): COUNCIL_FUKUSHIMA_STATEMENT_OCT_2013.
Jimmy Carter on the Discrimination of Women by the Religions of the World
I HAVE been a practicing Christian all my life and a deacon and Bible teacher for many years. My faith is a source of strength and comfort to me, as religious beliefs are to hundreds of millions of people around the world. So my decision to sever my ties with the Southern Baptist Convention, after six decades, was painful and difficult. It was, however, an unavoidable decision when the convention’s leaders, quoting a few carefully selected Bible verses and claiming that Eve was created second to Adam and was responsible for original sin, ordained that women must be “subservient” to their husbands and prohibited from serving as deacons, pastors or chaplains in the military service.
This view that women are somehow inferior to men is not restricted to one religion or belief. Women are prevented from playing a full and equal role in many faiths. Nor, tragically, does its influence stop at the walls of the church, mosque, synagogue or temple. This discrimination, unjustifiably attributed to a Higher Authority, has provided a reason or excuse for the deprivation of women’s equal rights across the world for centuries.
At its most repugnant, the belief that women must be subjugated to the wishes of men excuses slavery, violence, forced prostitution, genital mutilation and national laws that omit rape as a crime. But it also costs many millions of girls and women control over their own bodies and lives, and continues to deny them fair access to education, health, employment and influence within their own communities.
The impact of these religious beliefs touches every aspect of our lives. They help explain why in many countries boys are educated before girls; why girls are told when and whom they must marry; and why many face enormous and unacceptable risks in pregnancy and childbirth because their basic health needs are not met.
In some Islamic nations, women are restricted in their movements, punished for permitting the exposure of an arm or ankle, deprived of education, prohibited from driving a car or competing with men for a job. If a woman is raped, she is often most severely punished as the guilty party in the crime.
The same discriminatory thinking lies behind the continuing gender gap in pay and why there are still so few women in office in the West. The root of this prejudice lies deep in our histories, but its impact is felt every day. It is not women and girls alone who suffer. It damages all of us. The evidence shows that investing in women and girls delivers major benefits for society. An educated woman has healthier children. She is more likely to send them to school. She earns more and invests what she earns in her family.
It is simply self-defeating for any community to discriminate against half its population. We need to challenge these self-serving and outdated attitudes and practices – as we are seeing in Iran where women are at the forefront of the battle for democracy and freedom.
I understand, however, why many political leaders can be reluctant about stepping into this minefield. Religion, and tradition, are powerful and sensitive areas to challenge. But my fellow Elders and I, who come from many faiths and backgrounds, no longer need to worry about winning votes or avoiding controversy – and we are deeply committed to challenging injustice wherever we see it.
The Elders are an independent group of eminent global leaders, brought together by former South African president Nelson Mandela, who offer their influence and experience to support peace building, help address major causes of human suffering and promote the shared interests of humanity. We have decided to draw particular attention to the responsibility of religious and traditional leaders in ensuring equality and human rights and have recently published a statement that declares: “The justification of discrimination against women and girls on grounds of religion or tradition, as if it were prescribed by a Higher Authority, is unacceptable.”
We are calling on all leaders to challenge and change the harmful teachings and practices, no matter how ingrained, which justify discrimination against women. We ask, in particular, that leaders of all religions have the courage to acknowledge and emphasise the positive messages of dignity and equality that all the world’s major faiths share.
The carefully selected verses found in the Holy Scriptures to justify the superiority of men owe more to time and place – and the determination of male leaders to hold onto their influence – than eternal truths. Similar biblical excerpts could be found to support the approval of slavery and the timid acquiescence to oppressive rulers.
I am also familiar with vivid descriptions in the same Scriptures in which women are revered as pre-eminent leaders. During the years of the early Christian church women served as deacons, priests, bishops, apostles, teachers and prophets. It wasn’t until the fourth century that dominant Christian leaders, all men, twisted and distorted Holy Scriptures to perpetuate their ascendant positions within the religious hierarchy.
The truth is that male religious leaders have had – and still have – an option to interpret holy teachings either to exalt or subjugate women. They have, for their own selfish ends, overwhelmingly chosen the latter. Their continuing choice provides the foundation or justification for much of the pervasive persecution and abuse of women throughout the world. This is in clear violation not just of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but also the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul, Moses and the prophets, Muhammad, and founders of other great religions – all of whom have called for proper and equitable treatment of all the children of God. It is time we had the courage to challenge these views.
Jimmy Carter was president of the United States from 1977 to 1981.
Copyright © 2013 Fairfax Media
Perspectives on the Boston Bombing and Choosing Your Dimension by Jelaila Starr
Jelaila’s blogs are a favorite read of mine because she has a sane and grounded multi-dimensional perspective (and that is not a contradiction in terms!)
Jelaila Starr is the Nibiruan Councils’ messenger and channel. Through her articles, workshops, and lectures, the Nibiruan Council‘s message has touched the hearts of many people around the world inspiring hope and understanding.
As many of you recall, the end of 2012 was the end of an old age. But that was not all it represented; with the end of an age came a move into the field of high vibrating energy known by various names as the Galactic Superwave and the inner part of the Photon Band/Belt. For the sake of brevity I’ll refer to it as the Field.
As I wrote many times, once we entered that space we would go through a period of intense change. This change involved literally shaking off and releasing the parts of our reality that no longer fit and it would be more intense because the energies would be more intense. Is that what we are seeing now? The sun is expelling massive gamma ray bursts as though it had acid reflux. The weather is off the charts, the political climate is absolutely crazy, and the world economy is in the toilet. And if that is not enough, one “terrorist” attack after another, complete with massive, traumatizing media coverage/mind control has left people unable to cope with the stress.
Years ago I was told that the time would come when the changes would be so rapid and intense that people would literally be losing their minds. Do you think we are there?
In the midst of all this craziness, we are also experiencing the ascension process. For years I have said that ascension is not about leaving your body and disappearing into another dimension where all was perfect. Instead is the process of ascending one’s consciousness while in the physical. To ascend one’s consciousness required the ability to view life’s events from a higher perspective; one that could observe both the positive and negative and find value in both.
As a person developed this ability they would be able to ride the waves of change and not get pulled under. Of course, this ability required a new set of beliefs, higher beliefs based on the way a creator god/goddess would think. Another way of saying it is that a return to god consciousness and was required. Only then, with the ability and skill to be able to see beyond the obvious (the 10% of reality we see) to what was really going on (the 90% of reality that is hidden) can we re-balance ourselves after each shock and eventually find peace. People would find that meditation, yoga and healthy eating would not be enough to maintain their equilibrium because those things could not completely release them from the stress of believing they are victims. They could only mitigate the stress enough to carry on. The person would still be held down by a consciousness based on old beliefs. Hope that makes sense.
Back to the Shift. Once we entered the Field the dimensions of reality currently existing would go with us. It is my understanding that at the end of 2012 we had 3D, 4D, 5D and 9D levels of consciousness/reality on Earth. There’s an explanation in one of the 9D NC updates. You’ll find it at: http://www.nibiruancouncil.com/html/2010_perspective.html
During our journey through the Field these dimensions of consciousness or reality would appear to be merged. Thus, we would find ourselves experiencing aspects of each. Here’s an example of experiencing all 4 levels of consciousness in an event. With the recent supposed terrorist attack in Boston (3D), we have people calling for a global mediation to help heal the trauma (4D) while the Internet buzzes with information already beginning to expose the real truth (5D).
Those embracing the 9D perspective do not seek to cast blame; instead holding all sides in compassion. Though they feel the pain and heartache of those who were hurt, they put aside the urge to condemn. They are fully aware that change does not occur in a vacuum or when we feel safe, secure and satisfied. Those with a 9D perspective understand that humans will not wake up and step up to reclaim what they have forfeited unless and until the current reality becomes too painful. That requires that someone or some group must take on that role. The loss would act as a step forward in aiding all mankind to finally take back their power. The sacrifice of those who were hurt or lost their lives would not be in vain.
This compassionate action would mitigate (there’s that word again!) and move through the mass consciousness web soothing and reducing the negative impact of all the fear. In doing so it would help to more quickly bring forth the good that needs to come from all the suffering. There are other examples of how we are seeing events from all 4 levels of consciousness but I’ll wait to share them in a future message.
In closing, as events continue to unfold and become more intense, we can help ourselves by using the higher dimensional, god conscious tools (for me that is the Keys of Compassion ) that enable us to process through the pain and reach a place of peace. Not only will this benefit us individually, it will help those around us because we will be for them a calm refuge, that beacon of during the darkest hours of this global storm.
Last week I wrote about how we are seeing the expression of all 4 dimensions playing out in current events. The purpose was two-fold, to give an example of how we are now living in a 4-dimensionally merged world while, describing how we can choose the highest level of that merge 9D). We choose the highest level by how we respond to events and circumstances. I used the example of the recent Boston Bombings to show how a 9D conscious person would respond.
In this week’s message I thought it might help to go a bit further; not so much in regards to the Boston situation but in how to consciously choose the level of reality that you want to experience.
Since most everyone on this list is pretty advanced, I won’t take up space explaining the difference between 3D, 4D, 5D and 9D. For those requiring clarification, there are numerous articles on my website explain them. There is also a detailed chart in the Appendix of the book, The Mission Remembered.
We choose our reality or dimension by our beliefs. We think and act based on those beliefs. Each dimension of consciousness has its own set of beliefs. The higher the dimension the more integrated the beliefs. What I mean by integrated is that there is little polarity, i.e., good/bad, etc. You could say the higher you go the closer you get to “God consciousness.” (See the Keys of Compassion.)
God consciousness is the level at which all things are valued. There is no good or bad; everything, every event, every action has purpose and thus a value. This is why “God/Goddess can be unconditionally love. To love in this case, means appreciating, valuing and respecting all life and all things. Whew! Are you still with me? Okay.
Now you could say, “Well, that’s pretty easy then. All I have to do is begin thinking and acting like a god/goddess.” I’ll tell ya, it’s easy in theory but harder in practice. Here’s why. We are sooooo indoctrinated and conditioned in the 3D beliefs. Example, to begin thinking like a god/goddess, we must let go of the belief that we are victims and live each day with the understanding that we create or co create everything and I mean EVERYTHING in our reality. There’s no “I’m the creator/co creator of my reality sometimes and a victim sometimes.” That is the same as saying that we only have power sometimes. A creator god has power all the time. So it doesn’t work to believe you only have power some of the time.
What’s the point of ascension if you can’t reclaim and hold your power all the time? Here’s a test to see where you stand dimensionally. Ask yourself, “How did I co create the Boston Bombings or the Sandy Hook Shootings? A person with a 9D consciousness knows the answer both personally and for humanity in general.
Now that I’ve got your attention, I’m going to challenge you to begin shifting your perspective on how you ultimately respond to the events in both the public area and in your personal life. Yes, go ahead and respond like a 3D person (shock and horror), that’s part of being human; just don’t stay there. Once you get those initial feelings out of your system, go on and step up dimensionally, own your part by finding the value. Once you see the value in the situation you will experience gratitude and compassion. In doing this you are consciously choosing your dimension, one situation at a time.
Now I know this may seem somewhat challenging to do; finding the mirror, what a situation is reflecting back to you about yourself and your inner world, is not always easy. Heck, if it was, we’d all be further along than we are. And though we were not left a manual on how to do this, we have been given the tools: they are written in the Keys of Compassion booklets.
As I stated last week, we are in an intense period of change. That means we are being hit with challenge after another. Used to be they’d come one at a time, but now it seems they come in clusters. We used to have a little time to breath after working through an issue, now it feels as though we are in a pressure cooker.
We had years to prepare for this time and now our guides are taking us through the finals. How we move through the issues, working our way from the initial 3D responses to the 9D state of compassion and peace will determine at what level we graduate. As I’ve explained many times, once we come through this period, we will emerge in a completely new timeline. It will be as if 4 Earths emerge. Now is our time to decide if we will be on the 3D or the 9D.
Jelaila Starr