Healing Animals with Energy Therapy by Tammy Billups

Have you ever wondered about some of the alternative healing modalities and if they can be used to enhance the well being of our furry, finned and winged friends? I believe they want you to learn more about Energy Healing and how it is indeed the cats meow….or at the least dog gone great!

Many people in our society today are aware that Energy Healing can transform lives by releasing emotional wounds behind our physical manifestations and give not only relief of pain but in many cases complete and total healing of the physical body. The pain relief benefits of Energy Healing have been well documented. At the minimum it releases endorphins in the body, which are natures own painkillers. Everyone is energy of course. Everyone has the ability to influence anyone else’s energy system and of course, they do! People and animals have effects on us—some feel more comfortable than others, some energize us and some depress us, some disturb us; this is just one of the realities of life.
The difference between “everyone” and an Energy Healer is that a healer influences energy systems deliberately and with intention, and that is regardless of whether the intention is to use one’s own energy system to make the required adjustments, or to channel universal energy through one’s own system instead. Energy flows where attention goes.
The goal of Energy Healing is to kick-start the body into regulating itself and to smooth out all physical, mental, emotional and of course spiritual disturbances. The words ‘energy’ and ‘energy medicine’ have become buzzwords of the new millennium, but there is really nothing new. The healing works by connecting with energy fields.

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A Letter to Women Around the World by Camille Maurine

A must-read for all women interested in the Divine Feminine!

In the wee hours of the night, with rays of the full moon seeping though the window shades, I was awake and listening. I was sensing the body of our sweet planet, nestled in the breast of the galaxy, embraced in the arms of the Cosmic Mother. I felt the presence of women around the globe, gentle, thrumming heartbeats, pulsing with passion for life. I was hearing the call – the call you must hear in your own way – to unite our feminine forces at this critical time on Earth.

I have a proposal for you – woman to woman, heart to heart.

We live in an unprecedented era of possibility, a pivotal point in human evolution. Our capacity to destroy vies with our capacity to create; the threat is dire and the outcome uncertain. Some say that human nature cannot change, that the legacy of war and violence will never end. I wrestle with this: Deep change happens so slowly – how will we ever make it? But I know, from the inside out, the reality of transformation within an individual. I also know that individuals joining together in creative consciousness ARE a force of nature, inestimably powerful, with the potential to affect the course of history for good.

What if…?

…We are poised at the portal of a collective spiritual initiation. Not a new thought; teachers have voiced this perception before. Now consider: the essential role of women in this passage.

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“Charge of the Goddess”

I who am the beauty of the green earth
and the White Moon on the mysteries of the waters,
I call upon your soul to arise and come unto Me,
For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe,
From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return.
Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices,
For behold all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals,
Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion,
Honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.
And you who seek to know Me,
Know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not,
Unless you know the Mystery:
For if that which you seek,You find not within yourself,
You will never find it with out.
For behold,
I have been with you from the beginning,
And I am that which is attained at the end of desire.

Doreen Valiente, “Earth Prayers”

See “The Priestess Process” and “Events” for a unique spiritual and personal empowerment path for women.

Enlightening the Shadow Between Women

The human experience in a female body comes with a particular overlay as we move out of patriarchal times. Not only do we tend to repress & deny our essence qualities simply because of cultural conditioning, as women, we also tend to experience internal sexism towards our own gender. For example, “normal” cultural conditioning might say “never questions authority, “ while patriarchal conditioning will say “male authority has more validity”. Mary Pipher, Ph.D, in her book “Reviving Ophelia” talks about how this works in early adolescence, calling it “rigorous training for the female role or “false–self training.” She says “at this time girls are expected to sacrifice the parts of t themselves that our culture considers masculine on the altar of social acceptability and to shrink their souls down to a petite size. The rules are: be attractive, be a lady, be unselfish and of service, make relationships work and be competent without complaint. She calls America a “girl-destroying place” because there is so much encouragement from all aspects of the culture to sacrifice the true self.

The result of this indoctrination into niceness and lack of authenticity is that the real self gets pushed into the realms of the shadow and will eventually be acted out or projected onto others. As Alice Miller says “it is what we cannot see that makes us sick.” Former Rhodes scholar Rachel Simmons spent three years traveling around the country talking to America’s grade school & high school girls and found that one of the results is an epidemic of “bullying “, or girls using relationship as a weapon to victimize other girls. In her book “Odd Girl Out” Simmons emphasizes that girls & women do not have equal access to feeling and expressing their anger.

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The Lord’s Prayer: The Original!

A Translation of “Our Father” directly from the Aramaic into English (rather than from Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English) provided by: The Women’s Spiritual Network

O cosmic Birther of all radiance and vibration!

Soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us
where your Presence abides.

Fill us with your creativity

and empower us to bear the fruit of your mission.

Each of our actions bears fruit in accordance with our desire.

Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share
what each being needs to grow and flourish.

Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us,
as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes.

Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true

purpose, rather illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.

For you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth-power and

fulfillment, as all is gathered and made whole once again.

Goddess make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow your love. Where there is injury, let me bring the concept of self-forgiveness. Where there is blame, let me bring the insights of self-responsibility. And where there is darkness, let me bring the knowledge of eternal light.

See “The Priestess Process” to learn more about a unique spiritual and personal empowerment path for women. See “Events” for upcoming circles or contact Anyaa@goddessontheloose.com to schedule an Introductory Weekend in your area.