Priestesses of the World

By Anyaa McAndrew

It was a cold summer night on the Isle of Lewis in the highlands of Scotland. The stones of Callenish haunted the landscape like the Ancient Ones of legend. My heavy red velvet cape was keeping me toasty warm as we ushered in the full moon on this auspicious night we were here to ceremonialize. It was 1997 and in that moment I felt the priestess within me quicken and congeal. This part of me was longing to be re-born and to have her say in my life.

Inspired by her first book journaling her own Priestess Processâ„¢, I met Nicole Christine a few months before in Sedona, Arizona. She agreed that if I could gather enough women in Atlanta she would come to facilitate the 9-month “Awakening the Priestess Within” process. In October of 1997, 12 women began the process, and in June of 1998, 11 women “emerged” priestesses, some self-proclaimed and some ordained. Stepping through every imaginable fear of our selves and our power, we danced, journaled, and shared our life stories. We created awesomely beautiful ceremonies, held council when we needed to be serious & played when we didn’t. We laughed, cried and bonded for a lifetime. Most of all, we found a deep, rich core in ourselves that is authentically our priestess selves. We will never be the same, for each of us has recovered a piece of our Soul and our Sacred Work in the world. This is no small task at the Turning of the Ages when there is so much available and so much confusion about what has authentic heart & meaning.

Since 1998 I have gone on to do the High Priestess Magdalene Mystery teachings with Nicole Christine and I facilitate “Awakening the New Millennium Priestess” circles. The women who participate are mothers, practicing healers, corporate executives, artists, writers, technicians, teachers & women on the quest for their life’s mission. Every circle is as unique as the women within it. As each circle walks together for the 9-month journey to spiritual empowerment, its’ unique contribution to the community is further defined. Networking among members, partnerships, and community projects blossom from the abundant creativity available. Sacred Presence returns through each of us at this auspicious time on planet Earth. We have the unique opportunity to help guide our destiny.

If you feel called to this process, please join us for an Introductory Weekend in the Atlanta area or e-mail to find out about an “Awakening the New Millennium Priestess” circle in your area!